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Oct 11th:


Friday the 13th IX (1993)


Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday is a 1993 slasher film. It is the 9th Friday the 13th movie and it stars John D. LeMay and Kari Keegan. It was directed by Adam Marcus.


A mysterious man named Creighton Duke must find Jason Voorhee's last remaining relatives in order to stop him from being "reborn".


Please don't watch this movie.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for people in the film industry. It takes a lot of teamwork and time to create a movie. Unfortunately, there are some bad films out there and this is one of them. I haven't seen a movie this bad in awhile. The scriptwriters took a big story leap and we end up with Jason becoming a body snatcher. 

For most of the film, I was wondering "What is happening?" The beginning seems like a fake opening to throw off the audience, but it turns out to be apart of the real story. There is no explanation as to what happened to Jason after he "Takes Manhattan", but for some reason, there is an army ready to kill him. I felt like I was watching a movie where Jason just happened to be there.

The acting was horrible. There were two scenes where women are taking showers and the power goes out. There's also a long unnecessary sex scene in the second act. The director said he found the other movies to be sexist so he tried to make all nudity equal. Movies don't need sex scenes unless they are integral to the story. 

I thought The New Blood (1988) was the worst in the franchise, but this one is awful. The answers behind Jason's powers are supposed to be explained but the whole movie is a mess. I had no interest in finding out. Skip this one for sure. I won't be going anywhere near it again. It wasn't even "so bad it's good". They tried something new, but it wasn't scary and I didn't find it funny. 


2 Flames out of 10

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