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Oct 15TH: 


Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)

Halloween III Season of the Witch (1982)

Season of The Witch is the third installment of the Halloween franchise and is directed by Tommy Lee Wallace.


Dr. Challis (Tom Atkins from The Fog, where he acted alongside Jamie Lee Curtis) is shocked when a man holding a Halloween mask claims everyone is going to die. The man's daughter, Ellie (Stacey Nelkin) and Dr. Challis team up to investigate her father's death and the strange masks.


This film had a great eerie ambiance but made no sense why it was apart of the Halloween franchise when it could have been its own film. 


Welcome to a film filled with 80's hair, microchips, horrible sound effects, and a speedy 24-year-old age gap relationship. There was a moment 30 minutes into the film where I asked myself, "What am I watching?"


There were Agent Smith characters that seemed to replace Micheal Myers. Since this film associates itself with the Halloween franchise, I thought Micheal would be in it for sure. There were only two scenes where the first Halloween movie played on TV screens... it felt disappointing. 


I would have respected the film more if it was its own movie entirely. Other than being set during Halloween, there was no real connection. It makes the fans expect some kind of Micheal scene. It's like going to a friend's birthday party, but they aren't there, and there are videos of them yet they never show up even though it's their party. 


Another thing that bugged me was Dr. C's super quick relationship with Ellie. They go from detectives to lovers in no time. The idea of them teaming up was great since it helped to move the plot forward so that audience had some sense of what the hell was going on.


Ellie's character even reminded me of Nancy from Stranger Things... If Nancy was 23 and Jonathan was 47!! 


All things considered, the music was alright, the acting wasn't the best, the death scenes were laughable and as a whole, I'm still confused as to why this is a "Halloween" film. Since it doesn't have to do with the plot of Micheal Myers, I don't suggest watching this. Unless you're SUPER bored and want something spooky in the background.


5 Agent Smiths out of 10

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