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Oct 11TH: 


Stage Fright (1987)

StageFright (1987).jpg

Stage Fright is a 1987 Italian horror movie directed by Michele Soavi (who also directed Cemetery Man (1994 )).


A group of actors rehearse their play about a killer -- until a real killer shows up and they are trapped.


We've got 80's music, cat jump scares, and some basic characters who cover most of the horror tropes. I liked that it felt like a horror film (unlike a lot of the movies I've seen this month), but I didn't like this one.


I was excited to see this because the director of this film has worked closely with Dario Argento. There were obvious Argento influences, but I didn't want to completely compare the two. I liked the way this film was shot, but the music was a bit over the top at times and faded in awkwardly.


There were many characters which led me to realize there was probably going to be many deaths. A few deaths were brutal but some were almost laughable. Especially by the end, a woman gets ripped in half and it's extremely noticeable that she has changed into a dummy.


The only interesting character was the director who didn't care about the actors well being at first and would throw money at them to get them to do what he wanted. When the killer comes he does a 360 and tries to keep everyone together. There was a scene though where everyone just stands and watches a woman being stabbed without helping AT ALL. 


In total, the direction wasn't bad and the acting was alright, but the ending dragged on for far too long. It felt like a typical horror film but didn't induce much fear. For some strange reason I feel like re-watching Birdman (2014), but I wouldn't rewatch this movie and I don't suggest seeing it.


4 dummy props out of 10
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