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Oct 3rd: 

The Fog (1980)


The Fog is a 1980 horror movie directed by John Carpenter. It tells a story of a town being haunted and terrorized by ghosts of shipwrecked lepers from 1880. 


I love John Carpenter, but this movie wasn't scary or interesting to me. 

I liked the style and the way it was filmed. Some shots looked very spooky, but it didn't capture my attention. I found myself wondering when it was going to be over halfway through the movie.

Jamie Lee Curtis played Elizabeth Solley, a hitchhiker who gets caught up in the madness of the town. Jamie is definitely the queen of late 70's early 80's horror movies. I was glad to see her in this movie, but did I care about her character? Not really.

One of my main problems was having no character to root for. DJ Stevie Wayne (played by Adrienne Barbeau) was a cool character, and I worried about her son, but other than that there was no one else I cared for.

Would I watch this again? No. I do recommend watching Halloween (1978) if you have not seen that, but I don't recommend this movie.


4 foggy towns out of 10

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